Reader Interactions


  1. Farrah says

    Great minds think alike! :] I’ve been wanting to catch up on Netflix shows and with friends. :] (I also have a lot of organizing and decluttering to do!)

  2. Misty says

    Loving this list! I’ve already done a few of these actions and I’m inspired to give more of these a try. Thanks for taking the time to create such positive content to help others during a time of stress and sadness for many.

  3. Carmen says

    So nice to see a list of things to do for me! Not just kids. 😉 And I have been doing some of those things on your list. Even got a coloring book out–anything to calm the nerves during this stressful time.

  4. Marie Gizelle says

    ^_^ So much to do, good thing we have so much time too! What a nice list, I’ve only come up with : cleaning. haha. Thanks I’m inspired to do a more comprehensive list now….

  5. Pam says

    These are wonderful suggestions Chelsea!! I’ve been social distancing since the beginning of this whole thing – and truly, it can get very lonely and sad at times. Doing these kinds of suggestions really help get through! Thank you so much!

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