Search Results for: favorites
November 2013 Favorites
This month I have a several new products to share that have been working wonders for my hair and skin. Since my skin is currently in pretty good shape, I’ve been able to ease off heavy coverage foundations and switch...
September 2013 Favorites
October 3rd isn’t only Lindsay Lohan’s least favorite day of the year, but it’s the day I bring you my September faves! I was a little hung up with moving these past few weeks, but I wouldn’t let that make...
August 2013 Favorites
The last day of the month means it’s favorites time! The following five products are items I haven’t yet raved about on my blog yet, so I’m pretty excited to share my rave reviews. Here are the products I was...
July 2013 Favorites
It’s time for another monthly beauty round-up! This month I enjoyed some of the new products I splurged on for my birthday. Also since turning a year older, I’ve been paying that much more attention to my skin care routine...