Under eye fillers are getting a ton of buzz lately. They’re on the cusp of becoming the next “it” injectable. Under eye filler is a clever treatment option for the person looking to subtly enhance their face by adding trace amounts of volume to areas that may hollow or sag due to age or genetics. Also known as tear trough filler, under eye filler is a non-invasive treatment option that can leave you looking more refreshed and youthful. I recently got under eye filler done at Skin Refine Medspa in Sunnyvale and I’m excited to share my results.
Watch the video below to get an idea of the procedure, healing process, and results.
The Treatment
- Consultation: Every patient needs a consultation and examination first to determine if they’re a candidate. Skin Refine Medspa offers free consultations, so defintiely give them a call at 408-245-7877.
- Prep: After your makeup is removed, numbing cream is applied to prep the area for injections. After the numbing cream takes affect, the area is then sterilized for injections.
- Injections: Multiple injections begin using two types of filler, Restylane and Restylane Lyft, going from the inner tear trough area to the outer sides of the orbital bone. Hyaluronic acid in Restylane works just like the hyaluronic acid your body already produces to plump and help restore volume.
Under Eye Filler Recovery Process
- Immediately After: Swelling begins around the injection sites. The fillers are effective immediately, so it’s important to know you’ll swell before you can see the true look of the filler. You can easily go back to work, but you’ll need to avoid touching the area for six hours.
- The 1st Day After: Significant swelling as expected. If you’re concerned about your appearance following the treatment, I’d suggest scheduling your treatment on a Friday so you’ll have the weekend to heal. With any injectable treatment, there’s a risk of bruising. I bruised a bit and was easily able to cover it with concealer.
- 1 Week After: 90% of swelling reduced, little bruising remained that was easy to cover with makeup.
- 2 Weeks After: All swelling and bruising gone. Feeling fabulous!
How Long Does Under Eye Filler Last?
Restylane and Restylane Lyft on average lasts up to one year. Patients are recommended to come back for an assessment 6-8 months in. Every patient may metabolize filler at different speeds. Getting a touch-up treatment can extend the effects of under eye filler.
Does Under Eye Filler Hurt?
The treatment doesn’t hurt because numbing cream is applied, but the sensation of filler is a little strange. I’ve never tried lip injections before, but it would be the same concept. Fluid is being injected into your face, you’ll both hear and feel it. This treatment involves many more punctures than Dysport, so just be prepared for that. Certified Physician Assistant Sandy Sayedi made me feel super comfortable and she’s very experienced at dermal fillers. At times I teared up a bit, so only a little discomfort and no real pain.
How Much Does Under Eye Filler Cost?
Cost will vary based on specific patient needs, but under eye filler at Skin Refine Medspa starts at $750. They are running a special right now with fillers for buy 2 get the 3rd 50% off. Be sure to mention my name if you go!
Under Eye Filler Before & After
The photos say it all. I absolutely look better rested after the treatment. There’s less hollowness under my eyes. I don’t look heavier in the face at all. Under eye filler softens contour with subtle added volume.
LEFT: before treatment, RIGHT: 3 weeks post treatment
Skin Refine Medspa
398 W. El Camino Real Suite 106
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
It’s safe to say, I’m a fan of this treatment! With so many cosmetic procedures being available at our fingertips, it’s important to research your options thoroughly. Don’t let anyone else’s opinions sway they way you feel about your appearance. With under eye filler I now feel that my internal energy more closely matches what my face looks like. It’s a huge positive change for me and I love how subtle the change is to my overall appearance. I still look like myself, but with more sleep!
One small bonus effect I noticed is that under eye filler has softened my crows feet. That was definitely an added surprise perk of under eye filler.
Would you consider getting a treatment like this? I hope you found this post helpful as you make your own informed decision. Please be sure to check out some of my other treatment reviews on Dysport, Botox, and CoolSculpting before you go. Thanks for reading!
Wow I can see the subtle results. Thanks for a very detailed explanation of the process. And … no I don’t think I could do it!
Oh it Looks great, Im so sick of people saying to me jeez you look tired but their right I do..a lot, so Im going to spoil myself and get it done ..thanks for the info was great.
I like this because I always have trouble with bags under my eyes. But I live in Japan and I don’t have the money for this type of treatment.
I don’t have bags under my eyes yet, but I have considered getting lip fillers.
Glad the process turned out so well for you! Seeing positive results is always wonderful!
Great Results! do you know how many ml she put under each eye to obtain this outcome?
So helpful. I just had another round of Botox today for crows feet and was consulted on this same filler for my sunken tear troughs. I love your results!
Thank you so much for this information, and the video. The video helped tremendously! I’m going to get this done for me.
Your results are great! I am concerned about the swelling the next day or two. How bad did it get for you? I’m wondering if I should go to work the next day and how obvious it is in the beginning.